What they are doing, in fact is as harmful as islamophobia or maybe more. For spreading superstitious beliefs can give the opportunity to others for humiliating and insulting Islam then as a proof, show the acts of those groups of muslims.
For example, the Danish cartoonist for showing the face of the prophet, has featured the style of people like Mulla Umar, Al Qaeda leaders or some rare extremist scholars whose belief is not belief of the rest of muslim world.
Accusing prophet of Islam as a terrorist prophet, and Islam as a terrorist religion, which spreads violence, murdering, humiliating women, and ignoring the human rights, those acts are obviously in the document of those extremist and dogmatic groups who stamp the title of “Muslimness” on their traits. The same goes for islamophobic movies, articles, and reports. Just imagine how many of them have been written after foundation of Taliban and Al-Qaeda?
Since most people in the world believe what they are shown, they consider the inhuman behaviors of those so-called muslim groups as Islam and they relate all of them to the lifestyle of all muslims.
Leaders of those groups commit suicide bumbing attack and murder many innocent civilians, behead them, rip their stomach, or cut off their hands, and then call themselves followers of the prophet. When there is a sample, it’s not really difficult to make too many stereotypes of it. Like the last one, Fitna.
In some scenes in this movie you would see Iraqi Shiite Children whose moms are injuring their forehead in the mourning of Imam Hussain (an act which is considered as self-injuring and haram) or you would see executing an Afghan woman by Taliban in a football stadium in Kabul. This movie doesn’t have a scenario. It’s just putting pictures together, from beheading westerners by Al-Qaeda, Saudi scholars’ extremist talks and murdering the dutch anti Islamic director by a moroccon muslim and etc.
What’s really miserable to know, that the texture of this kind of movies is based on behaviors of some muslims that call themselves the loyal followers of the prophet and the example of perfect human mentioned in Quran!
There is a persian saying that says: “That’s from us, what comes upon us”. As a Shiite or a Sunni, as a Muslim, there are so many traits nowadays that have roots in superstitions and unjustly are attached to Islamic beliefs. I call this Muslimness, and not Islam. What i am done with it too.
Nowadays being a muslim is the most difficult job to do. When you don’t seem a muslim, you’re accepted by some people and are rejected by some others. On the other hand, when they find out you’re a muslim, you may face some unpredictable reactions. They may reject you or accept you as :”Oh you’re a religious woman. But you seem ‘normal’ !” And you may be banned to sit behind the place that Obama is lecturing, bcs that’s front of camras and you have a hijab.
I agree that powerful media always tries to find the dark points and obscure side. But “That’s from us, what comes upon us”.
Hiding under lebals and “Symbols” and submiting everything in the name of religion without a true understading is a big betrayal too and it harms us, our lifestyle and our beliefs, more than those whom we wrongly consider them as out of place.In our free world, every person is allowed to find his way on his own. Some may chose a religion and some may oppose God, prophets and religions. That’s their choice of course. Generally opposing against religions have a long history and Esp about Islam which gives a political outlook, it could always be a challenge for different governments.
However What we see nowadays, are some new waves inside the muslim world that intended or unintended plays a strong role alongside the wave of Islamophobia. Some acts by those muslims whom under name of religion, God and Shari’a, are spreading beliefs and costums which are not based on fact and reality of religion.